Thursday, November 20, 2008

Playing in the Snow

The snow started falling tonight and got really bad fast, we got about a half an inch in 20 minutes. Hannah and I went to meet the bus, that Liam rides from preschool, and needless to say he screamed. He didn't scream about it snowing, he just refused to come inside he wanted to play in the snow. So they put their boots on and played in the snow. I know mom and dad will not be happy to see these pictures because the last time I talked to her she asked if it had started snowing yet, and of course I said no. Needless to say,15 minutes later it did this. Hopefully it will be fine for their drive to our house tomorrow. I love seeing the kids play and laugh in the snow, to them its just fun, well as to me it means its cold and the roads could be unsafe for Billy to be driving on. Oh the stuff we have to worry about as adults. I will attach photos of them playing, they had so much fun.

Liam waiting impatiently for Hannah to get her Boots on.

Hannah finally gets her boots on.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Since my first post was a success and I have figured out how to add pictures, I thought I would back track just a bit to Halloween. The kids don't get to do much trick or treating because we don't have it in our town and Liam hates it. Since we live on a main highway and do not have a stoplight in town, its just not safe for the kids. So the kids only get to go to a few friends and neighbors houses. I decided it was ridiculous to spend to much on Halloween costumes for only 5 or 6 houses, so Hannah came up with the idea of making up costumes. She decided she would dress up like me and Liam would dress up like Billy. Thank god I took pictures before I left because Liam was ripping off his outfit by the time we got to the 2nd house. They got just enough candy to be on a sugar high for a few days, but not enough that I had to throw any away because they were sick of it. Hope you like the pictures, everyone got a kick out of their outfits.

Hannah picked everything out herself, wasn't she clever.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

The First Post

I have decided to start this blog since we have so many family and friends that live far away and don't get to see Hannah and Liam grow and change on a regular basis. Most of you probably understand why I titled the blog Horses and Hot Wheels, but for those who may not I will explain.

Starting with Hannah, she loves horses, anything to do with horses, and anything with horses on it. We currently have three horses that are boarded at Rocking M Horse Farm about 30 minutes from our house. It is a recently built facility with an indoor riding area, and also has the best owner anyone could ask for, Steph. Steph is also Hannah's riding instructor. The first horse is Splash, which is Hannah's horse, she is a Halflinger, a small draft type horse. Then we have Sassy, which is mine, and she is a Quarter Horse. Then we have Shaikh, which is Billy's horse, he is an Arabian who likes to keep all his girlfriends corralled together in the pasture. Hannah takes riding lessons once a week during the school year and twice a week in the summer. Hannah rides English and is progressing beautifully in her lessons. She is currently learning to post on the right diagonal. Hannah is a different person when she is on her horse, it is great to see her so focused and relaxed. She is the happiest on her horse.

Then we have mister Liam, our chinese son who has grown 9 inches since we became a forever family in July 2006. You did not read that wrong, he has grown 9 inches in a little over 2 years. Liam loves anything with wheels on it, so I thought Hot Wheels kind of summed him up. He loves cars, trains, airplanes, monster trucks, semi's, tractors, motorcycles, I think you get the idea. He also loves to build with his Lincoln Logs and I bet you can't guess what he builds........garages for all his things with wheels, he also builds airplanes with his Lincoln Logs. I am constantly drug into his room to see the new plane he built. He isn't interested in the horses too much, he only likes going there to drive his cars in the arena. Now if someone could come up with a way to put wheels on a horse I think he may change his mind.

So the title explains my kids - Horses and Hot Wheels. Now that I have finished my first post, I need to figure out how to attach pictures :)
