Saturday, November 8, 2008


Since my first post was a success and I have figured out how to add pictures, I thought I would back track just a bit to Halloween. The kids don't get to do much trick or treating because we don't have it in our town and Liam hates it. Since we live on a main highway and do not have a stoplight in town, its just not safe for the kids. So the kids only get to go to a few friends and neighbors houses. I decided it was ridiculous to spend to much on Halloween costumes for only 5 or 6 houses, so Hannah came up with the idea of making up costumes. She decided she would dress up like me and Liam would dress up like Billy. Thank god I took pictures before I left because Liam was ripping off his outfit by the time we got to the 2nd house. They got just enough candy to be on a sugar high for a few days, but not enough that I had to throw any away because they were sick of it. Hope you like the pictures, everyone got a kick out of their outfits.

Hannah picked everything out herself, wasn't she clever.


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